Coastin’ Society’s In N Out Meet

The first of the year! Coastin’ Society recently held their first In N Out meet of the year. If you haven’t attended their meets before, one of the complaints were the lighting in the area. The meet was held in the old parking lot of the Minx Restaurant and Lounge in Eagle Rock, with no consumers to supply, only a few light posts were lit in the parking lot. Aside from the lighting, the area promised to be a potential area for automotive enthusiasts. I attended the meet on thursday and noticed all of the light posts were lit! The area was now perfect to host meets. Coastin’ Society branded it their own and made it an official monthly meet! It was a great turn out the other night. They expect it to be even greater with the months to come.

This looks like a beast!

Just Chillin’!


Charlie Sandoval’s GC6!

Let there be light!

Thank you Coastin’ Society family!

Coastin’ Society In N Out meets are hosted every month. For more updates, “Like” and check out their Facebook page

About Angelo Alimagno

California State University Northridge student and automotive enthusiast.
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