Spocom 2012 | Anaheim, CA

On August 4, 2012 I had the pleasure to attend Spocom. I was very surprised and amazed with the turn out of the show. It did impress me quite a lot. Last year, Spocom was the first car show I attended in so long. And it was very fun and entertaining. After Spocom 2011, all the other car shows I attended seemed to rise further that. Although, This year, Spocom definitely made it into one of my top favorite shows. It wasn’t as big as HIN or Motion. But what did set this show apart from the rest were the quality rides. Cars I haven’t seen before, and cars I never get tired of seeing were in attendance. This really caught my attention from the moment I walked in, till I had to leave. Shoot, lets just say almost every car at this show was definitely a neck breaker :D. Anyways, on to our coverage! Since this show did impress, I took the time to take lots of photos, and even threw a video together πŸ˜€ Enjoy!

Team Praxis rolled hard that day with VIP Modular!

Refreshments anyone? Some Grape Jelly! Jay’s Grape Jelly TL

The fitment on this TL omgoodness. Just perfect!


NSeX 😦 I still want one T-T Clean AF

PVR in the house!

Royal Flush ballin hard af!

Adam’s STi from Royal Flush, too legit!

Team Donlyson!

Before I continue with this post, here’s my favorite for the day. This LS actually has a pretty long history. You have got to read his build thread. But from being striped and sitting without any hope left, to ending up like this. My goodness. That kit was custom fabricated. That interior. Just go read his build thread, prolly the best car I’ve seen so far.

Still jealous of Josersss wheels. HA I saw you and didn’t forget this time! SOO SEXZ Though.

Vielside NSX ❀

Matthews VIP CT with a chandelier!

Platinum VIP Ballin Hard πŸ˜‰

Awh man! I love the Blue!

The friend Mikes EvoX!


Impressive Wraps, literally! xD

Such a ballin IQ!

I dont think theres anything quiet about this Scion haha

First time seeing this 370. To much winning! πŸ˜€

More Royal Flush

Their Ferrari. I’ve been seeing this since March 2011, Definitely looking at its best!


Ballin Smart, on Brabus. Win!

Last but not least, Import Fashion’s display. They won first place for best display. If you didn’t see it, it really was something. I kept going back.



Import Fashion actually teamed up with Team Emperor. We’ve seen these guys everywhere!

Karl’s Clean G35!

Richards built and sexy af wide body Solara!




And the hottest one of all, GINA!! With some 24k Gold dipped Leon Hardiritts. Legit beyond all recognition haha.

Anyways thats our coverage! Thanks for checking it out.. theres a ton of photos. Also spread the word. share the links, it’d mean a lot to us :D! THANKS!






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